About Us

We are a group of Muslim women whose objective is to be more organized and recognized religiously, socially, and culturally.

In such difficult times for Muslims and due to the bad intention of the U.S.A. towards Islam and the pro-Imperialist propaganda of humiliation and repression, we feel that diffusion of this religion and millenarian culture that dates back to the seventh century a.C., is essential.

“The Messenger believeth in what hath been revealed to him from his Lord, as do the men of faith. Each one (of them) believeth in Allah, His angels, His books, and His apostles. “We make no distinction (they say) between one and another of His apostles.” And they say: “We hear, and we obey: (We seek) Thy forgiveness, our Lord, and to Thee is the end of all journeys.” (Sura 2:285)

This is the message of Islam, this is our message.

However, the interests of dominating through humiliation is manifested when Islam is attacked from diverse sides, amongst them, presenting the Muslim women as oppressed, without rights, and as a being inferior to man.
This propaganda brings as a consequence discrimination and persecution, mechanisms that are efficient in the posterior domination, invasion, and intervention.

The woman occupies a very important place in Islamic society. Islam has a great appreciation for women. Although Muslim women participate actively in different areas – politics, socials, economics-, Islam makes a special emphasis on her roll as a mother and wife, as a constructor of society.

To get to know the dignified position of women in Islam it would be helpful to look at history. Many societies have practiced feminine infanticide. This was practiced as a product that could be bought or sold. In France, towards the end of the 6th century a.C., an encounter was held in order to decide if women could actually be considered human beings.

Enrique VIII of England prohibited women from reading the Bible and throughout the middle ages the Catholic Church treated women as a second class citizen. In the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, male and female students did not have the same rights until 1964! Arabs before the arrival of Islam lived in a society consumed by ignorance, they buried the newborn girls alive and their birth was considered shameful. If we keep this image in our minds and evaluate the position of women in Islam we can find some allegations from the West against Islam and the accusation against Islam saying that they deprive women of liberty! However, if we look deeper into the wisdom of Islam we will prove that liberty was never taken away from women, rather Islam liberated women from the dark era of inequality and confusion.

Islam vindicate the rights of women and considered them God’s creatures, just like men.

<<Anyone who works righteousness, male or female, while believing, we will surely grant them a happy life in this world, and we will surely pay them their full recompense (on the Day of Judgment) for their righteous works.>> (Quran 16:97)

Woman does not come from the rib of man and is considered of the same essence. <<He initiated you from one person…>> (Quran 6:98)

The norms and Islamic laws are based fundamentally on justice, that consists of an fair and not egalitarian distribution, taking into account the nature of each on in avoiding oppression from the strongest upon the weakest.

<<O people, we created you from the same male and female, and rendered you distinct peoples and tribes, that you may recognize one another. The best among you in the sight of GOD is the most righteous. GOD is Omniscient, Cognizant.>> (Quran 49:13)

Islam considers man and woman to have the same capacity in developing themselves and leading a just society, that is why the most capable is referred to for leadership. An example of this is Dr. Masumeh Ebtekar, current Vice-President of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The Muslim woman fights for the rights of those who are victims of their own ignorance and social situation, derived from the oppression of their governors.

*Fight for the restoration of the rights that Islam has granted you more than 1400 years ago and that throughout history has been taken away from you.

*Islam motivates women to search for knowledge and this is evident in the increasing number of Muslim women that have access to the investigation, scientific-technical, the arts, education, health, communications, and political positions, without restrictions.
The Muslim woman enjoys multiple rights: *Right to vote and choose representatives, given to women since the 7th century. Let us not forget that the Argentine woman was able to vote merely have a century ago.

*Participates actively in the International Conferences for Human Rights. They have stood out because of their cultural contributions in the last conferences for Women that took place in Egypt and China.

*Women in Bosnia have defended their homeland, despite the horrendous Serbian subjection.

* Algerian women, historically, have had an important and leading role in defense of their homeland and count on important feminine institutions currently where there are many ministers and parliamentarians.

*Despite the permanent repression that Palestinian women suffer, they participate in all types of educative, cultural, political, and economic areas. In the University of Birzeit, 45% of the students are women. Muslim women form part of the parliamentarians as congresswomen.

*60% of the alumni at universities in Islamic countries are women in scientific fields.

*Egyptian and Syrian women are represented by female ministers and parliamentarians.
Lebanese women have stood out because of their supportive active participation on the streets.

*Muslim women have the right of:
* maintenance
*Economic independence arranging entirely on the recompense that they receive for their work, being exempt from the obligation of supporting the family.

“…the men enjoy certain qualities, and the women enjoy certain qualities…” (Quran 4:32)
*Using all kinds of birth control that are not abortive (Islam considers the detachment through coercion, from the embryo, later from its implantation in the uterus as abortion).